February Week 8 2015
So far, everything is going (more or less) according to plan. We moved into our apartment on Wednesday! Surprisingly, its size has not been much of an issue. With some creative organizing I even managed to fit all the clothes I brought into my half of the closet. We even have enough room for a (slightly droopy) couch for visitors to sleep on! One hang up that we have faced is the ability to get internet to our apartment. It’s totally possible and in the process of happening, but it’s taking longer than we thought to hook it up (whatever that means). Until that happens, we’re making daily trips to the Auckland Public Library to use the free internet that they provide. Luckily, it’s only about a five-minute walk from our apartment as is the grocery store, a plethora of bars and restaurants, multiple movie theaters, and Aotea Square. After living in tents and hostels for two weeks Michael and I are very happy to be able to finally make our own food in our own kitchen! We have been making good use of the American food products sent with us by my parents. For fun we’ve continued to go to the movies: American Sniper, and Theory of Everything (my new favorite). I went to a few more yoga classes this week and overall I like them, though I’ll probably explore a little more before settling in at a studio. Last night we went to the gay pride parade in Ponsonby, a really cute area of Auckland only about a ten-minute walk from our apartment. It was, obviously, a ton of loud, flamboyant fun.
If you want to see more pictures, you can look at my NZ Summer album on Facebook (just click the link and it should take you straight there!).