March Week 10 2015
I guess this is where it starts to get boring. I had my first real week at school! It was pretty cool but would be boring to read about. I have written a rough draft of my research proposal (if I did it right you’ll be hearing about it for the rest of the year). Michael has a job prospect that’s looking pretty good. It’s about an hours drive from Auckland (a big downside), but he would be doing what he likes best : marketing and special events. Walking everywhere is starting to get a little bit tedious, but I’m sure we’ll be used to it in no time. One particularly nice walk we went on the other day took us to the Viaduct (one of my favorite places in the city) where there’s a lot of activity around the Volvo Ocean Race. It’s a round the world sailboat race and they just ended a leg of it in Auckland! It’s pretty cool; the boats are out, there are exhibits and movies about it, and even a huge tent selling $60 t-shirts. I’m pretty sure that’s literally the most exciting thing we did this last week…sorry!