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May Week 20 2015


Warning: the following blog post contains a LOT of yoga talk. This week was my birthday! Michael and I celebrated by finally going to the Sky Tower. More specifically, we had dinner at the top! The restaurant is nice and also rotates. I thought the combination was strange but it was pretty cool to see the entire city at sunset. I took quite a few pictures from up there and posted them to facebook. I even tagged some of the places that I’ve been telling you all about! After that we went to our regularly scheduled RPG night.

Now, for this next part you’ll need a bit of back-story. As many of you may have figured out (from Michael’s mocking facebook posts), I have become a fan of The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Before we go any further I want to make sure to be clear that I do not live under the illusion that anything on that show should be taken at all seriously. With that out of the way, New Zealand just finished their very first season of The Bachelor! Over the duration of the show, Michael (that’s right, he watched too) and I developed a liking for one of the contestants named Poppy. A big part of this is due to the fact that she’s a yoga instructor and shares a name with my family’s dog. So, I go to my regular yoga class on Wednesday night and guess who’s subbing for the normal teacher? That’s right, Poppy! Living in Auckland gives by far the best shot of local celebrity sightings, but it was still a surprise and put a smile on my face for the rest of the night. The very next day I went to the same yoga studio for a class, while also hoping to talk to the new management. This is the studio where I got hired, then the manager left for a hip surgery, then left for good before my paper work was filed. Luckily, the new manager was there when class got out, she took my information and within an hour called to ask if I wanted to take over a class on Friday night! I happily accepted and will be starting this Friday. Michael had an employee meeting in Matakana on Sunday morning so we drove up together and spent the afternoon there after his meeting was over. On the way home we stopped at a chocolate shop in a small town called Warkworth. It was amazing and beautiful and they had fudge and I loved it. Earlier today (Monday) I got a call asking if I could teach a yoga class tomorrow morning so I’m about to teach my first class here! I’m excited to finally get back in the teaching game.

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