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May Week 22 2015


This week we found the city’s best cookies! There’s an adorable little café just near the civic center that doubles as a milk and cookies bar and they have a cookie with nutella in it. Finding this place was just one part of an incredibly productive Monday morning that included going to the bank, completing a session in the photo studio, and sending a couple packages to Colorado! I also took a shower Monday morning, during which I first became suspicious of the hot water heater. Turns out it broke and is custom made so we were without hot water for the week. Maybe during the summer months this would have been fine, but it’s been chilly here so a cold shower wasn’t in the cards for me. Luckily, we survived.

Aside from being cold, the rest of the week was, once again, pretty uneventful. We did manage to get to the zoo over the three-day weekend, and guess what: I remembered my camera this time! There was a tiny baby baboon and also a couple of baby otters so check out facebook to see pictures of those little guys! Aside from the animal babies, we encountered many human babies. Whether running around or in over sized strollers, their presence required quite a lot of dodging. In a rare moment where we weren’t surrounded by loud children, we happened into an exhibit with some very friendly birds. A lot of the exhibits at the Auckland zoo are set up in big mesh tents with doors so that the animals can roam around more freely (just harmless animals, no tigers or anything).

One exciting thing that happened this week is that I got asked to run a beginners yoga course. I’m pretty swamped with school right now, but my free moments are being used to plan that!

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