November Week 99 2016

This was a surprisingly busy week! It was the first week where I was fully done with school so I thought I would have tons of down time, but instead I did a bunch of stuff. In between my normal work schedule I went to a yoga photo shoot, completed my grad book web page (the only school related thing I did this week), and feasted on Chinese food with friends. This weekend Michael and I had planned an overnight trip to Tiritiri Matangi, an island bird sanctuary just north of Auckland. Because it’s a sanctuary, we had to bring all or own food for the two days we would be there so we spent Friday night shopping and cooking for the weekend ahead. We did get to spend Saturday on the island, but unfortunately the ferry the next day was cancelled due to weather and they weren’t running again until Wednesday so we had to come home that afternoon. Luckily, our flat mates were having a BBQ, so at least we didn’t have to miss that.