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November Week 100 2016

We had a totally normal week until Friday when Michael took the day off work so he could help me prepare for our Thanksgiving feast! We shopped, baked, chopped, mixed, and stirred our way through the day until around 4:30 when we left for the Elam art opening (where my final project was displayed). It was a proper art opening, with free drinks and lots of food to snack on including some of the best salmon I’ve had here. A couple of my friends, Pauline and Leonard, came as well. Then we all went back to our flat, put the finishing touches on the meal, and indulged in all of our Thanksgiving favs (except turkey). Everyone at least acted impressed so I considered it a win.

On Saturday Michael left early to drive to Hamilton (a city just south of us) with some friends for a day of cricket watching, while I went to a couple markets that were on in Auckland. The boys spent the night in Hamilton and came back in good time on Sunday. Shortly after I dropped Michael off at his work Christmas party, then drove back to Auckland to deinstall my work from the art show. It might be the last time I’ll ever set foot in the building where I’ve been meeting and working on my masters for the last two years, but I couldn’t get caught up in that as I was tiredly carrying stack after stack of stuff to the car.

Incase you haven't heard, you can see a bit about my project by clicking here.

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